How to Fight Well

Conflict is natural.

About the practice

Only conflict can show you the real limits of your understanding and what might be possible on the other side.But most people shrink back from the edge, defaulting to learned patterns of behaviour that shut down new possibilities.How to Fight Well is a discipline that combines Nonviolent Communication, models from Western pyschology and methods for managing our neurophysiological responses.Learn why conflict shows up, how to unpick what's happening, break patterns and find steady ground when everything feels like it's on the edge.

Ways to learn

Online course
I've produced a self-directed six-week online video course that you can take in your own time.
Covering all aspects of the How to Fight Well curriculum, with supporting materials and reading list.Shot in North Cornwall in various outdoor locations by independent film maker, Tim Laing.

Small group courses
I teach a four session live course, online, to groups of 7-10 people.
Mixed teaching, discussion and light practice with a supportive peer group.For details of the next cohort dates, email me or message me on LinkedIn.

Practitioner programme
Every year I run a 12-month practitioner programme for up to 10 people.
We meet each month to explore concepts, set challenges and unpick issues.At the end of the year you'll be a confident practitioner, able to integrate the practice into your work.

What people say

"If you want a practical and deep understanding of how to successfully navigate the complexities of conflicts we find ourselves in, then Max is the guide you've been looking for."
- Tom, leadership coach and facilitator

"I now have courage - belief that there is no need to avoid conflict, only approach it in the right way. Like if you walk behind a horse it will kick you, but if you approach with care and consideration you can ride off into the sunset."
- Liz, Chief Executive

"Although I’m an experienced NVC practitioner, I’ve always felt that the method could sometimes be awkward and clumsy. This course helped me understand what was lacking from the NVC practice, plugging a gap in the method and amplifying its impact."
Andy, coach

About the teacher

I'm Max and for 20 years I was a consultant, facilitator and leadership trainer.I ran businesses and led teams, working with government departments, multinational corporates and global charities.I saw the messiness of conflict first hand, everywhere I went but I've been trying to understand why people get into conflict since I was very young.Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was a huge breakthrough and I went on to teach it in organisations and community groups. However, I always felt that it had limitations that prevented people from really being able to practice it well.In 2018 I created this discipline, combining NVC, my corporate experience, western psychology, aspects of meditative traditions and martial arts that I've trained in and taught.It's my life's work and I want to share it.

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